Besides Rene Russo doesn't wear any Jean-Paul Gaultier clothing, this wonderful actress and Jean-Paul Gaultier fashion have some good things in common: sexiness, elegance and extravagance.
For those who don't know this wonderful designer, Jean-Paul Gaultier was born in April 24, 1952, in Arcueil, France. Besides working for his own brand, Gaultier also worked for Hermès between 2003 and 2010, and he's one of my favorite fashion designers since 2003, when I was a kid (just way before becoming fan of NYC designer Stella B. Zotis in 2008)!
This look above represents the "elegance" side of Rene, according to JPG's style. Along with the simplicity of the blazer and the skirt, there's something that makes go "wow"! And this "wow" factor includes the wonderful stockings, it shows her wonderful legs.
And I'd never forget the dress, blazer and shirt ensemble Rene wore on Thomas Crown Affair. It expresses the "sexiness" and "extravagance", according to JPG's style. It's a look we all fall in love with. But when Ms Russo takes off her blazer, our hearts pound faster, because there's something "erotic" in her with only the dress and the shirt. WORK IT GIRL !!!
Hope u like it.